When I was growing up, my parents were young. They chose to have their kids early in their life. I remember being surrounded by my aunts and uncles, all of whom didn't seem very old either. I mean, they still played football and baseball with vigor. They would still dive for the ball in volleyball and jump to spike it over the net. They were young. It was my grandparents that were old.
It's called the circle of life, but in reality, it is linear. We are all growing older together. It's just that the grandparents are further along than we are. We were the kids and didn't realize that our parents were the kids to our grandparents. But things change; roles change. Our grandparents die off and our parents become the old folks. Our aunts and uncles, also, are suddenly the old folks. I'm sure they wondered how that happened, how time somehow shifted that they were now regarded as the old folks.
Now, it's happened again. Where once we were the kids, then the parents, we are now the old folks. Our parents, aunts and uncles are passing away. Time has once again shifted and we are in the spotlight of the old folks. It seems like just yesterday the six year old neighbor boy was riding by on his bike and stopping to chat with us. And now, we hear that dear boy is a father himself, married with two kids. What has happened? It's the circle of life.